Monday, March 1, 2010

I'm Sick!

Well, I am sick! I made it 9 months without catching any bugs, but now it finally got me. Mom was starting to think I was invincible! But to prove her wrong, I am a big drooly, snotty, coughing mess now. Of course I came down with my cold just in time for a visit with all my relatives. To all the people I saw this last weekend, I am sorry I was getting my snot all over you. But then some of you wouldn't have had the luxury of seeing my huge nose bubble I blew, which I know was extra special and you all should thank me for showing off that ability. Being sick does have some benefits though- Grandma Gerard fed me my first popsicle!

Even though I didn't feel well, that didn't keep me from exploring. I still was in a good mood and not cranky really at all!

Luckily, Jack still played with me. I used him to practice my standing.
Uncle Justin's and Aunt Jill's niece Alivia came to visit too, so I got to play with someone my own size!
I kept getting in trouble for trying to touch and grab Alivia. I was trying to be friendly, but it is still hard to control my little arms and hands. Even though I am trying to just play, it was looking like pinching and grabbing instead. So finally I had enough scolding and took off.

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