Tuesday, March 30, 2010

End to the Fun

Well, this is the last picture you will see of me getting into cabinets. Daddy put a kabosh on the fun, and finally put cabinet latches on all the doors in the kitchen. He is no fun.

Each morning I like to look out the front window at the walkers and cats and squirrels and school buses that go by. In just 5 years I will be on one! (school bus that is!)

Hmmm.. what's that interesting thing out there??

My Favorite Dinner

The Easter Bunny Came Early!!

I spent the weekend visiting Grandma and Grandpa Radzak since they are leaving on a trip to San Diego to visit Uncle Jim, and they won't be home for Easter. Lucky for me, the Easter Bunny visted their house early, and I got a basketfull of organic baby foods and juices! There were a couple Cadbury eggs in there too, but Mommy and Daddy snatched those up and ate them right away. The basket of goodies was such a nice surprise!! You can see I can hardly contain my excitement!

Hooray for Easter!

Of course the men celebrated the lovely spring day with a couple beers out on the deck. Thanks for including me - after all, I am almost 1!

Monday, March 22, 2010

10 Months Old!

I am 10 months old today! A fun game I play now is dropping things on the floor for Mommy to pick up repeatedly, and I like being chased, and going in and out of my fort that Mom helps me build in the living room. I also have been standing in my crib now when Mom comes to get me in the morning, and the last few nights Mom and Dad have found me sleeping on my tummy, like in this picture. I am also proud of not only turning on and off my light from my crib, but I can also unscrew the switch plate screw with my little finger, not only creating an electrical hazard, but a choking one too. Mom and Dad are not too proud of this achievement though.

Look how big I am now! I don't think I can pass for a little baby anymore!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Week in March

This week Aunt Shelly came up to take care of me for a few days. I loved all the attention I got!
P.S. Do my arms look freakishly long to you, or is it just me??

I can point and drool at the same time. Don't act like your not impressed.

This is my take off pose. I am quite good at crawling now, and getting even better at pulling myself up and sitting down from a standing position.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Back in the Running Stroller

Today Mommy and I went for a run and ended up at a playground. I got to swing for the very first time, and loved it! Back at home I played with my toys.

Spring is here! Daddy took me for my first run of the season yesterday. He dressed me nice and warm and I had a great time!

See My New Trick

Sometimes Daddy doesn't put the tray on the highchair when he feeds me, and this is extra fun because I figured out I can rock back and forth and I don't fall out!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Just Having Fun

Grandma Radzak was over on Sunday and played superman with me. That was lots of fun. Later on Mom tried it, and I drooled right on her eyeball. Bullseye!

Hi up there!

Getting my beauty sleep, or handsome sleep is more like it.

And I awoke happy and handsome as ever!

Bet you all can't blow a snot bubble like this one!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Playtime With Mommy

Today has been a nice relaxing day. Too bad Mom has to go to work now!

My outfit matches my monkey!

We went out for a walk too. It is getting so warm! I love spring!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Another Tooth!

Big news guys! Dad spotted one of my top teeth coming in. That makes 3 so far!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Shout out!

Here's a shout out to my girl friend in New York! Happy 1st Birthday Eleanor!!!

Demon Baby

Since I have become sick, my voice has been a little scratchy, making me sound like I am possessed. Have no fear though, I am otherwise acting normal. And my cold is getting better!

p.s. Just for you Grandmas wondering out there, Mom did clean off my nose right after this video.

Monday, March 1, 2010

I'm Sick!

Well, I am sick! I made it 9 months without catching any bugs, but now it finally got me. Mom was starting to think I was invincible! But to prove her wrong, I am a big drooly, snotty, coughing mess now. Of course I came down with my cold just in time for a visit with all my relatives. To all the people I saw this last weekend, I am sorry I was getting my snot all over you. But then some of you wouldn't have had the luxury of seeing my huge nose bubble I blew, which I know was extra special and you all should thank me for showing off that ability. Being sick does have some benefits though- Grandma Gerard fed me my first popsicle!

Even though I didn't feel well, that didn't keep me from exploring. I still was in a good mood and not cranky really at all!

Luckily, Jack still played with me. I used him to practice my standing.
Uncle Justin's and Aunt Jill's niece Alivia came to visit too, so I got to play with someone my own size!
I kept getting in trouble for trying to touch and grab Alivia. I was trying to be friendly, but it is still hard to control my little arms and hands. Even though I am trying to just play, it was looking like pinching and grabbing instead. So finally I had enough scolding and took off.