Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Random Collection of Pictures

These pics were taken over the last month or so. Mom has been lazy and hasn't uploaded new photos onto the computer, so until then, you just get old pics of me. But either way, they are still cute! And I suppose I should include this one little tiny thing- I have now officially pulled myself up to a stand all by myself! I know, it is huge!! Mom can't believe how big I am getting. Tomorrow I will be 8 months, and I have been rolling over like mad, and getting on my tummy from the seating position, and, as of yesterday, Jan 21, pulling myself up to my toy box, twice!

One of our regular friendly little deer in our yard. I have been seeing deer every single day now for the last couple weeks.

This shirt says it all. I am making mom so confused- she doesn't know why my wake up times are so inconsistent. Now I am choosing to get up anywhere between 5 and 7 AM, whereas before, it was pretty consistently 6:45 each morning. I just didn't like to be so predictable, that is boring! Although I think Mom likes "boring" when it comes to wake-up times.

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