Friday, January 29, 2010

Extreme Close Up Video

Wax Paper is the Bomb!

Yes, those are cute pictures up there, but get a load of this cool video! My great Grandma Sundstrom always has the best toys at her house, and you wouldn't even guess what it is... wax paper!!! Who knew I could have so much fun with that!? Check it out...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New Terrain

The other day as I was scooting backwards, I encountered a hard, smooth surface- something totally new! As you can see, my reaction was a pretty happy one. Mom said she should have let me on the hard floor long time ago- my belly makes a pretty good wiping cloth. A couple of note worthy comments about the video- my impressive strength and.... the amount of drool coming out of my mouth.

Babies, Babies, Everywhere!

Since the Christmas snow storm kept us from going to Great Grandma's and Papa's house, we made a visit there just a little bit ago, and got to meet my second cousin Ashton.

Ashton is only 4 months old, which explains why I look so huge next to him!

Nothing says a good time like laying on the floor.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Yummy Bagel

Yeah, that's right I have a chunk of bagel sticking out of my mouth. I bet you wish you had my table manners.

Almost there!!

This is how you crawl, right? Raise your belly and knees?? You can see my progress though. Now I just need to master the whole moving forward thing. No big deal I'm sure!

A Vikings Game gone Bad

I know you all have heard about and seen the Vikings blowing their shot at the Superbowl, but at least I got to play with my friend Caitlin on Sunday night. She is a little over 10 months old.

The toys were way more interesting than the game. And it was fun to share them with a friend!

Showing off to Caitlin how I can do push-ups.

A couple of head-butts here and there, but no one was ever hurt.
I am getting close to crawling! Aren't I cute???

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Cross- country Skiing Rules!

Mom and Dad took me skiing for the first time on Martin Luther King day at Jay Cooke State Park. It was a nice, warm winter day. The most exciting part was Daddy crashing 2 minutes into the ski. But I was just fine! Daddy crashed because Mommy was snowplowing down a hill and he didn't anticipate just how slow she was going. It was Mama's first ski of the season though, so you can't blame her for going slow!

Just cruising on Daddy's back. I had so much fun. Every time Mom looked at me I gave her a big smile!

The Happy Skiing Family!


Here I am just playing in my bedroom. This humidifier was the first thing Mom noticed me trying to pull myself up on.

I am so strong! Now I can do this quite easily! It is pretty cool that I have better access to my toys now!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Random Collection of Pictures

These pics were taken over the last month or so. Mom has been lazy and hasn't uploaded new photos onto the computer, so until then, you just get old pics of me. But either way, they are still cute! And I suppose I should include this one little tiny thing- I have now officially pulled myself up to a stand all by myself! I know, it is huge!! Mom can't believe how big I am getting. Tomorrow I will be 8 months, and I have been rolling over like mad, and getting on my tummy from the seating position, and, as of yesterday, Jan 21, pulling myself up to my toy box, twice!

One of our regular friendly little deer in our yard. I have been seeing deer every single day now for the last couple weeks.

This shirt says it all. I am making mom so confused- she doesn't know why my wake up times are so inconsistent. Now I am choosing to get up anywhere between 5 and 7 AM, whereas before, it was pretty consistently 6:45 each morning. I just didn't like to be so predictable, that is boring! Although I think Mom likes "boring" when it comes to wake-up times.

Monday, January 18, 2010

A Standing Sensation

I have been working for a couple months now on my standing skills, and I must say, I am getting so good at it! My legs just keep getting stronger and stronger which gives me so much more to do. I am walking with help from my parents too. That is the most fun! Here are some demonstrations...

This video was taken a few weeks ago. I am so much stronger now, in just a few weeks time. I'm not so shaky anymore! Mom and Dad, you better get your babyproofing done. I'm going to be cruising around soon!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Fun at Home

Last week I got to do lots of fun stuff, like playing peek-a-boo with Aunt Shelly and Mommy...

...baking with Mom...

and just hanging out with Aunt Shelly.

I know what you're thinking. You wish you could have some sweet cords with attachable feet!

I got this cool onsie from Uncle Justin and Aunt Jill. It has a big truck and girls on it (his company logo) and that's cool, because I like both!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

In my Daddy's Clothes!

I am normally pretty good looking, but even better looking in these retro clothes of Daddy's! Grandma is so cool to have held on to these sweet outfits for all these years.

Now these are some great pants. They even have the feet to keep my toesies warm. They don't make pants like that these days unless you get the full sleeper.

Beautiful blue velvet- my wardrobe wouldn't be complete without it.

No, I am not a grandpa from the 70's. This is an actual baby outfit! Gotta love polyester!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bon appetit!!

Peas- Not so good at first, but I ate them all!

Plate- I can eat this, right?
Prunes! Want a kiss?
Where's my food???
My first highchair experience! Mom thought I was ready on November 24 to make the big switch in to a real highchair. I was pretty excited! Now, whenever Mom or Dad put me in this chair, I know what time it is- Chow Time!!

Carrots- But I only have a problem with Mom's homemade pureed carrots. I can chow down the Gerbers carrots, but not Mom's, even though she keeps telling me they taste exactly the same. Either way, it doesn't matter that I don't like them, Mom and Dad still shove them in my mouth anyway.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!

Mom just turned 30! We celebrated with all the Radzaks, it was fun.
Mom and Uncle Jim.

Mom's birthday cake was delicious, but I was more interested in the plate.

I'm 7 feet tall!

I got to visit Olivia and her new brother Sullivan. Sullivan slept most of the time, but Olivia entertained me by dancing, playing and sharing her toys. Even though sometimes she gets this crazy look in her eye, like this.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Friendly Get-together

Mommy's friends from New York came to visit MN so we were able to meet them in Minneapolis at their parent's house, and finally meet Eleanor, their daughter. Other good friends of Mom from high school were able to meet us too. It was lots of fun!
Michelle and Tom, Kristi, and Emily and Dave were there. Mommy wishes she could see them all more often.

Taking a ride on Eleanor's new horsey!

My new talent- playing piano!

The beautiful melody Eleanor and I created together. Music to our tiny ears!

Eleanor is a couple months older than me. I hope she likes younger boys!

Presenting the new Beethoven! (It kinda sounds like Jingle Bells, right?)

Dec 30- My First Rollover

I rolled over! Finally! It took me 7 months, but I did it! Mommy saw me and snapped a picture quick of my first rollover. I was pretty happy with myself! And once that happened, my next discovery were my feet! I am getting quite good at pulling my socks off and sucking on my toes!
So I don't roll over much yet. If you are lucky, you might see it. Daddy has seen me a couple times, but I don't like to show off my new skill that much. I don't want to seem arrogant or anything, because not everyone can do it. It requires a lot of core muscles, and yeah, I'm ripped. I can show you how ripped I am in the picture below.
Don't be jealous.