Monday, June 29, 2009

Fun at the Pool on Saturday

I went to Aunt Shellys place on Saturday and dipped my feet in the pool. It felt so good! The water temp was 86 degrees! I couldn't go all the way in the water though because Mom and Dad have not bought me swim trunks yet. Maybe next time. I also went to a fun party at Aunt Jills house in the evening. It was Uncle Justin's golden 30th birthday! Happy Birthday Uncle Justin!

Aunt Shelly can't be mad at me now, because I'm so cute!

My new thing is spitting up. I think burping is overrated and now just go straight for the spewing chunks. Aunt Shelly got to experience that the other day when I totally blew chunks all the way down her back and even got a little in her hair. At least she didn't drop me when I did that. I don't think she appreciated it, but just to let you know Aunt Shelly, I only spew on people I love!!! (In this picture, that tank top she is wearing is not the original one she had on. I didn't like the first one anyway, that's why I had to dirty it so she would change.)

1 comment:

  1. Look at that hair! Those cheeks! Those rolls! Eleanor thinks he's a total babe.
