Monday, June 29, 2009

Fun at the Pool on Saturday

I went to Aunt Shellys place on Saturday and dipped my feet in the pool. It felt so good! The water temp was 86 degrees! I couldn't go all the way in the water though because Mom and Dad have not bought me swim trunks yet. Maybe next time. I also went to a fun party at Aunt Jills house in the evening. It was Uncle Justin's golden 30th birthday! Happy Birthday Uncle Justin!

Aunt Shelly can't be mad at me now, because I'm so cute!

My new thing is spitting up. I think burping is overrated and now just go straight for the spewing chunks. Aunt Shelly got to experience that the other day when I totally blew chunks all the way down her back and even got a little in her hair. At least she didn't drop me when I did that. I don't think she appreciated it, but just to let you know Aunt Shelly, I only spew on people I love!!! (In this picture, that tank top she is wearing is not the original one she had on. I didn't like the first one anyway, that's why I had to dirty it so she would change.)

Canal Park

I went to Canal Park today. We walked on the lake walk and almost got blown away! It was super windy! But Mom was strong and pushed through it. All I had to do was sleep. It was wonderful!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Finally, no more clothes!

My dinosaur outfit is pretty cool.

I am practicing my boxing moves. Don't I look intimidating?? My blank stare gives the illusion that I might just be crazy! Don't mess with me!

Me and Grandma. She came to visit and I got to see her 4 days in a row! I was so happy! She even made me smile!

I'm pretty sure I am filling my diaper.

Week 5 (I made it a month!)

I'm just cute, that's all I really need to say about this pic.

Yes, I'm naked. It is hot up here in Duluth. I know for some of you that is hard to believe but yes, it does make it above 50 degrees occasionally!

Dad is being my pillow here. He is pretty comfy to sleep on.

I got to visit my great grandparents today. My great grandma made a comfy bed for me to kick and play on. The music box in this picture may be recognized by my Auntie Shelly and Uncle Jim. It is old, but it stll plays a beautiful tune!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Fun Weekend

I had a fun weekend with many family members. The most exciting part was going fishing on my Uncle Mike's boat with Uncle Mike, Grandma G., Grandpa G., Mom and Dad. But our luck wasn't very good, the only thing we caught was a suntan.

My Grandma holding me as we trolled under the Bong Bridge.

Me and my fishing rod. The life jacket was a bit too big for me to do any intense casting or reeling.

Me hangin out.

Just checking out my guns. Do you have tickets to the gun show???

Here I am getting some tummy time.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My First Hike

Here I am on my first hike on Daddy, sporting some killer shades! We went on the Superior hiking trail above our house for a whole hour. I slept most of the way, it was pretty relaxing. It was a beautiful sunny day, about 70 degrees. I can't wait to go again!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

More Cute pictures!

More pictures from the weekend.

Visits from my Cousins

My cousins and grandparents came over on Saturday. We finally gave Jack his birthday present! (Sorry Jack it was so late!). I hope he liked it. He was able to be a palentologist for a day! I can't wait to get bigger so I can play more with Jack and Hannah and Emma!

My new Trike

I got a cool present from one of my grandma's work buddys. My first trike! I hope my legs grow longer so I can learn how to ride it!

Explosive Poopy!

Yesterday I had my first explosive poopy, right into Mommy's hand! She was changing my diaper, and I thought it would be funny if I pushed another poop out in the process. She didn't find it quite as funny though. I was aiming for the carpet, but she caught most of it. I did get a couple stains on the carpet though. My goal is accomplished! Mom needs to break out the stain remover now. Hehe I am so fun!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Im a Harley dude like my Grandpa!

My Grandpa Radzak got me this sweet biker outfit. I can't wait to get big enough to ride! Feel the breeze in my beautiful brown hair! That will be sweet!

A Visit from Uncle Jim

My Uncle Jimmy came to visit from San Diego. It is pretty cool I got to see him. Good thing I showed up early, otherwise I would have missed seeing him!

A Vist from Buffalo

My daddy's friend Buffalo came all the way from New York to visit me last weekend. I like his green shirt, it makes me look good!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Sleepy time with Daddy

I think I am looking especially cute in this picture! And I also like it because I got to go in the big bed with my Daddy. We are having a good snooze!

Play Time

I got to play with my cousin Jack this weekend. I had so much fun, I wanted to take the toys home with me!

National Donut Day!

It is national donut day! My mommy is so excited, but she doesnt have anyone to bring her any donuts. I wish I could get her some, but she told me I cant borrow the car until I'm 16.


I had such a busy weekend, it took me all week to recover and add my pictures. I had lots of fun going to visit all my new relatives in the cities. I was held by so many people, but I didnt mind because that is my favorite thing to do right now, being held...and farting too. I must get that from mommy!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


I have not written on my blog for a long time. I bet my blog followers are very upset. Stay tuned for updates. For sure by tonight.