Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Happy Birthday to Audrey!!

Cousin Audrey turned 2 years old a week ago. She is getting so big! We went to her birthday party and had an awesome time.

The birthday girl having a fun time in her new playhouse!

Aunty Jill gave everyone tatoos. Mine was a cool dragon!

There were even pony rides!

And the best part... a four wheeler that I could actually drive myself!! This was sooo cool, although Mom was pretty nervous about me running into things. But I am a good driver and kept it safe. She was very glad when the batteries wore out though!

Pete and Audrey had fun in the house. Although I think Pete is having more fun than Audrey here. She just doesn't understand that putting grass in each others hair is Pete's idea of fun.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Bird Killers

We took a lovely hike today at Hawks Ridge in Duluth today. It was perfect blue skies and in the 60s. This spot is very popular for watching the migrating birds, so we were trying to look for birds too. Daddy spotted one way, way up high and said it looked like an eagle. So my response to that was,
"Let's shoot it and eat it for dinner" and at the same time, Peter says, looking up from on Dad's shoulders and pointing into the sky, "Bang bang!". Just great huh?

Monday, September 10, 2012

Esko Tractor Show

Another tractor show!! I really liked these pedal tractors, and have been talking about them ever since. 

Wagon ride! My favorite thing!

Although this was pretty cool too! Train ride! Auntie Shelly and Mom road in the cart ahead of us.

Peter had fun and didn't want to get out.

I was the best driver. I really leaned into the turns and steered the right directions.

Peter was a little tired while we waited for the second train ride. We left right after that and went home for naps. What a good day!

A Good Hike

We had a nice hike that went to a super cool swimming spot. It has been super warm still, so we got to enjoy yet another little swim. 

"King of the Mountain!" 
This is the river that comes down through the park. It is a super sweet waterfall, but since we are in a drought, there a bunch of little wading pools all the way down it. Climbing on all the rocks is so fun! I am getting really good at it. Pete still needs a little help though. But next summer we will both be climbing machines!

Little Petey footprints. So cute!