Thursday, May 31, 2012

Grandpa's Funny Farm

Best Dad Parenting Moment

We had a really fun time at Grandpa Gerard's house celebrating Mother's Day. My favorite part was playing in the barn and on all of Grandpa's tractors!

Little Audrey playing with trucks. She is going to have to get used to boy toys since her brother is due in just a few months!!

Peter and I love cats! And Grandma has 3 of them!

Peter and Phelix spot a mouse, I think!

I win for messiest ice cream cone eating contest!

Grandma's Birthday

We visited with Grandma for her birthday a couple weeks ago and had a great time! We had a party for her with cake and yummy food. Grandpa and Grandma Sundstrom came down from Duluth, and Auntie Shelly was there too. 
 We took a trip to the Coon Lake playground. It was a beautiful morning! Pete heads down to check out the water. Which was cold!!

 They have some great hiking trails at the park so we did some exploring.
 Dad helped my climb a tree across the road from Grandmas. I also took a long four-wheeler ride with Grandpa.
 Happy Birthday Grandma! We love you so much!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sleepover with Grandma R

A couple weeks ago we had Grandma and Aunty Shelly come up to visit. We always have fun with them when they sleep over, because air mattresses and sleeping bags are involved. But don't worry Uncle Jimmy, we won't go head first down the stairs in a sleeping bag and end up in the hospital like someone we know!

 Of course still having fun on the bike.

Dad makes a comfy place to watch TV on! 

Catch Up Time

So it has been awhile since the last post. Sorry about this! It has just been so nice out, that it is hard to take time to update you all of all the things I have been doing and discovering. Now that spring has sprung, I have developed a fascination for bugs. I am not afraid at all of picking millipedes up, beetles up, worms, pretty much anything you can find under a rock or log. I call them my friends and have been known to whine when Mom doesn't let me take them down the slide with me, because after all, I am just trying to play with my new friends. Mom has been doing a good job of controlling her own feelings towards creepy crawlies and has let me do lots of exploring without too much shivering and gagging. Dad did have to put a kabosh on me trying to pick up a gigantic maggot I found under a log on a hike we took the other week. It looked pretty cool, but I guess they have to draw a line somewhere.

 Peter has been enjoying the outdoors too. He is very good at walking finally. Just a month ago, he needed Mommy's hand to get down our hill in the yard to check out the creek. Now he can run up and down the hills without falling too much.
 We both like throwing rocks and sticks in the water. And we have both stepped in the water past our shoeline and wondered why our feet all of a sudden felt sooooo cold and wet. We have both learned our lessons and have not had any wet feet since then. In the summer time though, I bet it would feel pretty nice. I will have to get some water shoes so I can wade around more. That will be fun!
 I bet you didn't think all three of us could fit on the motorcycle, did you Grandpa??
 This motorcycle still gets used everyday. Best present ever Grandpa Radzak!
 Peter is munching some popcorn that we got from the tool store. Dad and I are busy collecting wood for the fire. We trimmed a bunch of trees this spring and now are having fires on a regular basis. We haven't broken out the marshmallows yet, that will be for when it gets warmer.