Wednesday, February 24, 2010

No More Helmet!

I am done with the helmet!! My little head is nice and round and perfect now. Yipee!! Mom celebrated by doing a photo shoot. She quickly realized it is much harder to take pictures now that I am crawling though. But I let her get a couple of good ones.

This was my initial response to Mom when she brought out the camera and sat me down. I was just too busy crawling and playing and having fun to be put in one spot!

Monday, February 22, 2010

9 Months Old!

I have survived living 9 months now with Mom and Dad. I know, you are all asking me how I did it, knowing my parents and all, but it really wasn't so bad. They are pretty cool to hang out with, plus they feed me and change my diaper, so that is good too. I had my doctor's appointment today. No shots thank goodness! I am 29 inches tall now and weigh either 17 lbs, 19 lbs or 20lbs 9 oz. When they weighed me the first time, I was 19 lbs, and mom stated that I was 19 lbs at my 6 month check. So on the second try, I lost 2 lbs in 1 minute and weighed in at 17 lbs. We settled with the final weight check of 20lbs 9 oz. Here is the latest picture of me.

Little Swimmer

I got to swim for my first time this weekend. We stayed in a great hotel with a big pool and hot tub! I was on the verge of crying the whole time in the big pool- a little too cool for me. But that didn't stop Mom and Dad from putting me in it! They forced me to paddle around, but at least I got to warm up in the hot tub. That was much more pleasant. I sat on Mama's lap while she splashed the warm water on me. I could have hung out in there for hours!

Look at me go! Summer Olympics 2012 here I come!

Bemidji Ski Weekend

We went to Bemidji this weekend for Daddy to ski a race. Uncle Mike also met us there and raced too. They both won their age groups and Dad took 6th place overall! He is so good! I hope I can be a good skier when I grow up. I will have to get a much better snowsuit than the one I am wearing in these pictures though- can't move to well in this one. Bemidji is one of my new favorite places. Mom and Dad liked the town a lot, and Dad pointed out all the good musky fishing lakes up there and good ski areas, and of course good places to eat too- the 3 most important things to Daddy, besides me of course.

The handsome ski finisher standing by Paul Bunyon and the blue ox, holding his adorable son (that's me!).

Friday, February 19, 2010

New Carpet

Mom and Dad had new carpet installed in the rec room downstairs just for me! Now my little knees and hands will be nice and cushioned as I crawl around. Look at me go in my new room! Thanks Mom and Dad!

Visit with the Grandparents

We went down to the cities on Tuesday and Wednesday so Mommy could get her hair done. Lucky for me, I got to see my grandparents and hang out with Aunt Shelly while Mom was at her appointment.

My cousin Hannah was great. She played with me and made me laugh by lifting me up and down! It was lots of fun to see Emma and Jack too! They gave me pretzels for the first time and yummy juice!

Making music on the sweet keyboard! The kitten helped me too!


A lovely picture of Grandma and Grandpa Radzak. Unfortunately I had problems looking into the camera- this is the best Mama could do.
Grandpa is lots of fun to play with. He makes me laugh!

Wintry Fun with Aunt Shelly

Aunt Shelly came to visit last week. She witnessed me walking down the stairs! (of course with help from Mom)

It was such a pretty day and we had 4 inches of fresh snow- we had to go out and sled!

Me and Aunt Shelly coming down the big hill!

I don't think Grandma R intended this balloon to be stuck on my head when she gave it to me, but leave it to Aunt Shelly to do something like this. Real nice Auntie.

Taking advantage of a cute little baby for a good laugh. Shame, shame!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cookie Monster

Here are a few photos of me wearing my Dad's old Cookie Monster shirt and slacks. I love cookies...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Happy Family

Well this is the best we could do for an impromptu family photo. All the photos with me looking at the camera and smiling had Mom closing her eyes or they were blurry. What are you gonna do?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Cool Surprise from Grandma

Grandma brought me this neat balloon to play with! It has a smiley face on it just for me!

Happy Birthday Great Grandma!

On Saturday I got to celebrate my Great Grandma's birthday! We went to the Olive Garden and then back to their house for delicious cake that Grandma made.

A great picture with the birthday girl and Great Grandpa!

Just checking out the their kitchen floor. Great for beating my hands against!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

I Can Crawl!!

Here's the video of me crawling on my first day of crawling. It is fun. Soon I will be able to crawl all over the place and find out what's in all those cabinets!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My Walker

Look at me go! My toy box works great as a walker! And the best part- whenever I want to take a break, my toys are right there to play with!

February is Here! It's almost Summer!

Uncle Mike came to visit for a bit the other day. It was great to see him!

Here I am busy playing with my cool retro toy.

Look at the beautiful sunlight on my face! Pretty soon I will be able to play outside under the real sun! However, Mom informed me the groundhog saw it's shadow yesterday, so 6 more weeks of winter still. Oh well, they will just have to keep taking me out skiing some more.

Monday, February 1, 2010

I'm a Bouncer!

I like my exersaucer, as you can tell. Sorry the video gets a little long. Mom gets a little carried away.

A Relaxing Day in my PJs

I like my new pjs I got from my Uncle Mike. It is fun to play with the monkeys on the toes.

At my play box, one of my favorite spots!

Check out my perfectly round head!

See this? This strawberry is the best! It vibrates when I bite down on it, which makes my teeth and gums feel good!