Friday, May 29, 2009

More Photos

Okay, more pictures from Wednesday and Thursday.

My Great Grandpa (PaPa) and Grandma Gerard came over for a visit.

My orange pumpkin head.

My REALLY orange pumpkin head.

Me being held by a ghost.


Catching some Rays

Hi everyone,

I got to go back to the hospital Thursday night. For some reason, the doctors didn't like me looking like a pumpkin, said the orange color was jaundice and needed to be taken care of right away. So I got to chill out in an incubator at 85 degrees under lights to get me healthy again. Friday they tested me again and I got all better! I liked the nice heat and lights, but was definitely ready to come back home. Now I get to make a trek to the cities this weekend and visit all my grandparents and aunties and uncles! Woo Hoo!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May 26th, 2009

Today was a fun day. I got to take my first trip to McDonalds, and Wal-Mart! I slept the entire time, so I didn't eat a BicMac or anything. Maybe next time. At Wal-Mart, I just rode in the cart and slept in my car seat. Later in the day Uncle Mike came over to visit, and I slept in his arms for awhile and we watched "Blades of Glory." Yesterday, I watched some "Talladega Nights." Those are my favorite movies.

Me and Uncle Mike

Mike again

Me, sporting a FauxHawk

After my first real bath at home!

Just Chillaxin'

This is me with my new Musky Fishing Lure that my Grandpa Gerard got for me. I can't wait to go use it. My goal is to catch a fish bigger than me. Shouldn't be too hard!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

More pics of my 3rd and 4th days.

Auntie Jill and Uncle Justin holding me.
Me looking crabby.

Me shaking moms hand to congratulate her on a job well done.

Coming home on my 3rd day!

Me arriving through the front door.

Me squinting in the bright sunlight, it hurts my eyes!

Daddy holding me at home for the first time.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Pictures of my first 3 days

My Great Great Aunt Dorothy and me

Me and My Daddy

My friend Linda Perry and me

My cousins Jack, Emma, and Hannah

My Great Grandpa Sundstrom

My Great Grandma Sundstrom

Me and my Mommy

My Uncle Mike, me and my Dad when I was only 20 minutes old.

Me, at 5 minutes old.

The first picture of me and mommy!!

Mommy and Daddy getting ready for me to make my grand entrance to the world about 2 hours later!

My first blog


My name is Luke Joseph Gerard. I was born Friday, May 22nd at 6:36pm. I was 3 weeks early, and my measurements at birth were 7 lb 11oz, and 19.5" long. I spent 2 days in the hospital before my parents took me home. My favorite things to do are eat, sleep, and soil my diapers.